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koby-4.jpg (43906 bytes) kobyhead5.JPG (58938 bytes) Pochita3years.jpg (80485 bytes) Pochitaokt2003.jpg (73239 bytes)
Recados Father, Koby Recados Father, Koby Recados Mother, Ponchita Ponchita, Recados Mother @ 3 years old
bluemale6w.jpg (139729 bytes) Recado8weeksold.jpg (134408 bytes) recado3.5months.jpg (34349 bytes) Recado4monthsfront.jpg (46797 bytes)
Recado @ 6wks Recado 8 weeks Recado at 3.5 months Recado at 4 mos old
recado4monthssit.jpg (50662 bytes) Recadoon4wheeler.jpg (38047 bytes) Recadodanielsleeping.jpg (35923 bytes) Lucy.jpg (23984 bytes)
Recado 4 mos Recado learning the  ropes Recado sleeping with Daniel Lucy my old female
Lucyscar.jpg (69709 bytes) Macy2.jpg (62015 bytes) Macyaftercatch.jpg (48314 bytes) Romeo.jpg (24647 bytes)
Lucy with a scar from a boar Macy a Daughter from Lucy and Romeo Macy cooling down after catching 2 hogs in South Texas. Romeo, Father to Lacy and Macy
Matacoside.jpg (62721 bytes) Marvins1sthog.jpg (24331 bytes) Lee&Bentlycut.jpg (39162 bytes) Bentlycut.jpg (28940 bytes)
Mataco, Ponchitas Littermate Brother, 2003 Reserve World Winner My first hog. The one that started it all! Lee Rankin and one of his Dogos, Bently, cut after a hunt. Lee's Dogo Bently after a hunt
Lee&friends.jpg (49465 bytes) marvdadmarty.jpg (10360 bytes) marvindadmarty.jpg (18068 bytes) Wild boar.jpg (88188 bytes)
Lee Rankin & friends after a hunt My dad, Robert, Buddy Marty Capers & Myself My Dad, Marty & I Wild Boar
Recadosnewears.jpg (32918 bytes) 350LbBoar.jpg (42431 bytes) 350LbBoarMarty&Shannon.jpg (29129 bytes) Juniorcut.jpg (28246 bytes)
Recado @4 mos 350 Lb Boar:Cut Dogo, Pit & Curdog. 350 Lb Boar Shannon & Marty Capers Junior cut by boar
JuniorCloseUpCut.jpg (38187 bytes) LacyCut.jpg (29830 bytes) LacyCut1.jpg (26377 bytes) MartysBulldogCut.jpg (49536 bytes)
Close up of Juniors cut. Lacy, Daughter of Lucy & Romeo, cut by boar Lacy, Daughter of Lucy & Romeo, cut by boar Marty Capers Bulldog, cut by boar
Recado6MonthsHunt.jpg (39853 bytes) UnoOreoRecado.jpg (65418 bytes) UnoOreoRecadoTraining.jpg (65928 bytes) MORE...
Recado after a night hunt with a big sow Pups in Training, Uno, Oreo, Recado Pups in training, Uno, Oreo and Recado