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Once in a "BLUE MOON"

My ol sorry curs catch a hog. But Last night was unique . I was hunting alone again Last night and made a round and the dogs jumped and rolled out but came back after a short race. So I moved up a good little piece and Put Two of my curs down, Boots, 7 coal,  to see if they could find something. They rolled out and I heard them baying. Headed to em and got to a fence and noticed it was a cow pasture with a wood line on the fence row.  So I dropped three more curs down to go to Boots and Coal and they headed up the fence row and fell bayed. I was like heck yea I got two bays going at once.  Crossed the fence and turned my Dogo, DeAngelo, loose and sealed the deal on that one. It was a decent little boar about 180 lbs with a LOT of fight in him.  I could litteraly hear the hogs teeth grinding and popping.   The three curs rolled out the hog that Boots and Coal had caught . After getting DeAngelo Off of the first one  I headed to the other one with DeAngelo . I got to about 50 yards from it and the curs had her caught but I sent DeAngelo in anyway just to make sure.  Got to em and it was a little sow about 80 lbs.  Checked the dogs out and DeAngelo had 3 or 4 pokes that went thru his vest but he will be fine.
 Last week I had a group of friends come up and we hunted ALL weekend long and never got a bark.  And this weekend I go by myself and catch two. I guess it was because it was actually a , BLUE MOON .   I saw it say that on my calander so i checked it out on the WWW and sure enough it was true it was a blue moon. So now i can truely say that I caught two hogs on a blue moon .

Pictures taken with my cell phone.