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Hunting Stories:

09-19-09 Hunt

We have'nt had any rain for the last two months and finally got some this past week. I loaded up the dogs and went hunting. Got there about daylight and hunted untill 8:30 before the dogs finally jumped one. after running it for about 30 - 45 minutes they finally got it bayed about 2 miles from where they jumped it at.  As i was watching the Garmin GPS it looked like the dogs losted it and were starting to split up .  Then I saw that it showed one of my young curs Ree ( 10 Months ) , that I got from Thre moving a little ahead from where they lost it at. Then It showed her on a tree ( which means shes bayed ) .  I thought maybe she was possiably hung up in some vines or just stopping but then all the other dogs started moving to her. Then one by one each dog got to her and they all were showed to be bayed. The closest I could get to them was 500 yards. The only Dogo I brought was the old man, Recado .  I Leashed him up and started heading that way on foot. It was nasty and thick and I was hunting alone. So i let him go at 125 yards. When I got there they had a sow about 200 lbs caught.  Dogs rolled out and bayed again but it broke and  I think a Helicopter came and got the hog because the dogs for what ever reason lost him all at once.  It was a good hunt and some good training for the dogs. I am really proud of how Ree is turning out and hanging with the grown dogs.
Sadie on front . Left to right, Recado, Boots, Ree, and Lilly with a mouth full of A$$.

Recado , Lilly, Boots, Ree, Sadie, Luke