My son Dillion and I went over to Marty Capers to do a little hog hunting on my birthday. Meet up with the property owner at 8 am and started hunting the riverbanks. Hunted untill about noon and no Luck. We decided to go north on the river bank and finally had a bark. Noticed it was Boots , my young cur dog litter mate to the one I gave Herchiel, Jarrett, Melissa, and Birgitte, The other curs chimmed in pretty quick and I cut Recado and De'Angelo loose and it wasnt but a few seconds we heard a grunt. We ran in and Leggit. A NICE sow about 270 lbs . Recado was on one ear and De'Angelo was on the other. We tied her up to and loaded up the dogos and all the curs rolled out. Started tracking them and they were hauling butt. We got pretty close to em and I heard a bark so I cut Recado and De'Angelo loose and about the time there feet hit the ground it went silent again. Hogs broke. Recado and De'Angelo left anyway and headed out with the curs. A few minutes went by and about 300 yards ahead of me a group of hogs came busting out and was running across a wide open field. That was there Mistake. The curs and Dogos were in hot pursuit . Marty took off on his four wheeler and ran to the front of the pack and caught the biggest one by the tail then jumped off and legged it. One of the guys saw another big sow peel off by herself and took off after her. Finally caught up with her and shot her. Recado singled him one out and caught it , De'Angelo single one out and caught it . So I took off after one on my four wheeler and ran one down and caught it. My son ran a couple down on his fourwheeler and caught them. While I was holding the one I ran down I looked back and Saw both Dogos on there own hog . The curs had hogs caught and every person that was there with us had a hog. We didnt have enough ties or hobbles . Finally got the hogs loaded up and had one of the guys go back and get the truck. Got them loaded in the dog boxes and hog box . Then went back and got the big sow we had tied to the tree. Final total was 12 hogs . One sow about 270 lbs two sows about 200 lbs and 9 pigs ranging from 40 to 100 lbs . We broke our own record for hogs caught in one day. 11 of the 12 were caught and brought out alive.