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01-12-09 , N. La. Hunt with Beau

I'll let Beau tell his story But since he didn't have a camera Ill post some of the pictures. We hunted HARD from 8 am untill 8 pm and ended up with two small pigs. One about 50 lbs and the other about 20 lbs. Heres the pictures.
Dogos on the ground hunting. Nearest to furtherest , Army , Daisy, De'Angelo

A Mud wallow with a nice pig trail.

Army checking out the trail

Exodus taking a break and sitting on De'Angelo

The 50 lb sow we caught, Deangelo on the ear and Army on the back of the neck.

After the catch. Left to right , Daisy, Boots, Dot, De'Angelo

Three tired dogos after a long run. De'Angelo, Exodus, and Army

Army, Ex, De'Angelo, All three Males and Not One Peep or growl . Perfect temperment on all three.