Hunting Stories: 01-02-09 Hunt My home computer has went down and is in the shop and I havent had much time in the office so I am a little late posting. My son's Daniel and Dillion were wanting to go hunting Friday night so I told them we would go. They had one of there friends and two of there girlfriends. So it was Me and 5 teenagers. Loaded up and got to the hunting spot dropped the dogs and started easing along. I had PPC De'Angelo running on the ground with the curs and PPC Recado on the 4 wheeler. After about 30 minutes of hunting all the dogs disappeared and we heard a few barks and then broke. I cut Recado loose to them hopeing he wouold either find his own hog or help shut down the runners. About 20 minutes go by and one of my curs comes back and then Recado comes in. I loaded him up and we kept waiting. I was begining to get a little worried about De'Angelo as he is not even a year old yet. He turns a year old on the 11th of Jan. And doesnt have a lot of woods time yet. After sitting about another 15 minutes we heard a couple of barks and then a hog grunting. I cut Recado loose again thinking the curs must be caught. We took off to the hog and when we get there De'Angelo was on one ear and Recado was on the other ear. Man I was glad to see De'Angelo on the ear. He had to have been with the curs the whole time. It was a sow about 110 lbs. I got a coulpe of action shots but you cant tell much about then. De'Angelo on the hogs right ear, Recado on the hogs left ear My Grandson the next morning with the 30 lb shoat. Training him young. He seems to like it already .