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Perro Pelea Cordobes Recado

Recado is one of the Dogos imported from Perro Pelea De Cordobes Dogo Kennels in Denmark. Recado, was born January 9th 2004 . He is an awesome dog. His mother is Pochita and father is Koby. Pochita is 2003 reserve world winner and Koby is son of legendary Indio De Litoral.

"Pochita is full sister to our dear Yatay Del Gualilan, 2 times reserve world winner, Danish champion, and Mataco Del Gualilan World winner 2003, International Champ, Danish, German and Dutch Champion.

"CG-Koby Del Indio Blanco is son of legendary CG- Indio de Litoral, a true dogo, proven in hunts and in his wonderful offspring."

Click on the Thumbnails to open larger versions...
Recado.jpg (86659 bytes) recado2.jpg (82815 bytes) Recardo3.jpg (80992 bytes) Recado_Pedigree.gif (36625 bytes)
koby del indio blanco head.jpg (52806 bytes) Pochita del gualilan 3.jpg (76882 bytes)

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Perro_Pelea_Cordobes_HTT.jpg (1096421 bytes)
Koby del Indio Blanco ~Recado's Sire Ponchita Del Gualilan ~Recados Dam Hunters take home the show Ribbons too! Hunting Temperment Tested
Dog_Box.jpg (202612 bytes) Recado_catch56987.JPG (1296472 bytes)   IHD_Certificate .jpg (1104851 bytes)
Uno, Lep, Sadie, Recado Recado    Intermediate Hunting Dog Certified